The Ethics of Democracy
by Louis F. Post
Part 4, Economic
Chapter 3, The Rage for Trusts
THE economic advantages of legitimate concentration in
business have created a rage for concentration, regardless of whether
it may be legitimate or not. For several years, consequently, the air
has been laden with schemes for consolidating business competitors. The
old business maxim, sound and wholesome, that "competition is the life
of trade," has been discarded in industrial circles, for the theory,
for which no maxim has yet gained currency, that consolidation is the
condition of success. This theory is the vital principle of
The latest mode of trust organization is a vast improvement upon
earlier ones. Competitors no longer enter into trust agreements in
restraint of competition. That primitive mode proved to be altogether
incompetent. The trust agreements were evaded and sometimes openly
violated; and, as they fell under the ban of the law, there was no
redress in the courts. What competitors aiming to organize a trust do
now, is to form a legal corporation in which all proprietors become
stockholders, paying for their stock with their respective business
plants. Establishments that formerly competed for business thus become
part of one great concern under the management and control of one board
of directors. If the former owners continue to operate their plants
they do so no longer as owners, but as corporation employes. It is the
corporation, too, that determines as to each plant whether it shall be
operated at all.
Or, the same end may be attained by an improved mode which has become
more common. A managing corporation is formed which acquires the
ownership of a majority of the stock of each of the corporations to be
combined. The latter then go on, nominally as independent concerns
under the nominal management of their respective boards of directors,
but really as constituent or subordinate companies under the control of
the blanket company.
There is no opportunity, therefore, as there was under the primitive
mode of making trusts, for any party to the trust to evade his
obligations to his confederates. The business is wholly in the hands of
a central corporation, which has the legal attributes of a natural
person; and the trust, instead of being under the ban of the law,
operates under its sanction.
An effect, and one of the objects, of these combinations, is to
dispense with many employes and cut down the wages of most of the
others. Journeymen mechanics and unskilled laborers may escape. Whether
they do or not, depends upon whether the trust reduces its production.
If it does not, these employes remain; if it does, they suffer with the
rest. Whether mechanics and laborers are affected or not, such employes
as salesmen, bookkeepers, foremen, clerks and the like are sure to be
hurt. When many establishments are consolidated, even though as many
mechanics and laborers be required as before, they can be governed by
fewer foremen, and the output can be disposed of and accounted for by
fewer salesmen, bookkeepers and clerks. The organization of a trust,
therefore, involves the discharges, more or fewer, of this class of
employes; and that in turn involves the reduction of the wages of those
who remain. This has been one of the notable facts in connection with
the trust craze. The general public may not be aware of it, but
foremen, clerks, bookkeepers and salesmen are painfully so.
Another object and effect of trusts is the destruction of competitors
who are left out of the combination. Since the motive for combining is
to kill competition, outsiders must be crushed or the combination fails
of its purpose. Many methods of accomplishing this are resorted to. It
may be done by selling certain lines of goods for a time at less than
cost. The trust can stand that longer than its small competitors, and
when they are out of the way can recoup by charging higher prices than
ever. Even while a price war is in progress, the trust may charge
excessively for goods that are not in the field of competition, while
selling below cost those that are in that field. But whatever the
method, the object is to crowd out all competition and secure the whole
field for the trust.
Competitive business men are sharply admonished of this by diminishing
custom and decreasing profits. Some even of the best of them begin to
look forward to retiring from business into high-grade clerkships; and
a vast number are contemplating the possibility, if they themselves
fail to get into a trust, of competing with lower grades of clerks for
their already precarious places.
Whether or not the trust has come to stay, is an open question. Trust
magnates have no doubt of it. The ordinary business man fears it.
Social agitators proclaim it. And only here and there is doubt
expressed. Nevertheless it may well be that the making of many trusts
is only an evanescent craze, and that the trusts are mere bubbles which
must soon burst.
But any intelligent conclusion as to that point must rest upon an
understanding of the differences in trusts, which we have already
noted. There are trusts and trusts. It cannot, therefore, be predicated
of the trust generally that it must either succeed or collapse. Some
kinds of trusts may succeed if well managed, while others, no matter
how well managed, may be predestined to inevitable collapse. Some
analysis, then, of trusts as they confront us is necessary.
As already suggested, we can conceive of a trust having for its sole
object and effect economy in production. Consolidation of business
plants might lessen the cost of supplying goods to consumers. It might
do this in part by reducing the number of managers, clerks,
bookkeepers, and so on, necessary to supply a given demand; and in part
through those innumerable other economies which, in favorable
conditions, flow from operations upon a large scale. That kind of trust
would be analogous to labor-saving inventions. Indeed, it would be a
laborsaving invention itself. Familiar examples are offered by the
department store, by farming on a large scale, by manufacturing
combinations, by any business consolidation, however vast, which is
neither directly nor indirectly buttressed by legal
Such a trust would, in the absence of legal privileges, be compelled,
by fears of engendering competition if not by competition itself, to
give to consumers the benefit of its economies. And though this trust
would displace employes and independent employers, just as laborsaving
machines do, just as all economies must, there would be nothing to
deplore in that, if opportunities to work for others or to do
independent business in other and related lines were inviting and
insistent. The displacement would then be a simple and easily adopted
change of occupation; not exile from the whole industrial
Trusts of that character are not essentially bad. On the contrary, like
labor-saving machines, they are essentially good. If they operate
prejudicially in actual practice, it is not because they are injurious
in themselves, but because they exist in conditions which operate, in
greater or less degree, to bar out from other employments the workers
and business men whom they displace.
Moreover, these trusts cannot carry organization to the point of
perpetually monopolizing a business. The notion that they can and do,
proceeds from the mistaken supposition that business combination is
progressively economical without limit; which in turn proceeds from the
fact that business combination is economical up to a certain point. In
truth the economies of organization are limited. As soon as
organization reaches the point of highest economy in a given case it
becomes progressively uneconomical. To overcome this tendency, business
combinations must combine monopoly interests as distinguished from
competitive interests. Good-will serves to a degree; trade-marks, a
species of good-will, also serve; the buying habits of the public can
be monopolized by these means even for inferior goods for a time and to
a degree. But no permanent trust can be founded upon those personal
advantages. Permanent trusts require primary monopolies - monopolies
that are created by law and control the necessary conditions of
profitable production, transportation and trade.
Of primary monopolies, patent privileges are comparalively weak and
count for little, because their power is temporary. The tariff and
other taxation on production and trade serve only to limit the field of
competition, and, although powerful, are not supreme. This may also be
true of highway privileges when segregated; of terminal point
monopolies considered individually; of particular monopolies of sources
of original supply; of particular monopolies of superior trading sites,
and of other monopolies of location, each considered by itself. But
some of these privileges are of gigantic power, and when all are
combined they are irresistible. Trusts which rest upon or are
buttressed by any of those privileges are essentially bad and
The harmful power of a railroad trust is the ownership of great public
highways and terminal points which it brings under a single control.
That is true, also, of street car combinations, of telephone and
telegraph monopolies, of gas and electric light and power trusts; in a
word, of all consolidations of those business interests that spring out
of the law instead of being evolved by individual initiative and
regulated by unobstructed competition.
Mining trusts are in the same category. They are essentially oppressive
because they consolidate titles to mining opportunities, and thereby
enable the trusts to dictate to all industries that depend upon the
mineral deposits of the globe. And as with mining trusts, so with all
other trusts which, so to speak, have their feet upon the
Closely akin to highway and landed trusts are the trusts that bring
under common ownership important patent rights. By virtue of these
parchments those trusts arbitrarily and effectually prohibit the
unprivileged, as a distinguished patent law writer puts it, "from using
some of the laws of God," just as railroad trusts by franchises, and
mining trusts by deeds, arbitrarily and effectually prohibit the
unprivileged from using some of God's common wealth.
All these trusts, though differing in power, are in character one. They
are grounded in legal privilege.
Subordinate to the privileged trusts, are trusts of still another
class. These have the characteristics externally of those of the first
class described above - those which we have likened to labor-saving
machines. They appear to have the benefit of no monopoly whatever, but
to be simple unprivileged business combinations. In fact, however, they
derive legal privileges at second-hand and secretly from trusts that
are founded in privilege. Of this type was the Standard Oil trust at
its inception. Under secret arrangements with railroads, which enjoyed
highway privileges, the Standard Oil trust secured rates of
transportation so much lower than its competitors were required by the
same railroads to pay, that it thereby drove its competitors to the
wall. Subsequently it acquired highway privileges of its own. Other
trusts that flourish now, doubtless also depend for their power upon
discriminative freight rates.
To one or the other of the three classes of trusts mentioned above, all
the trusts now organized, or in process or expectation or possibility
of being organized, may be assigned. And according to the class into
which a trust falls, will the probabilities of its success or collapse
be determined.
The weakest of all the trusts are those of the first class - trusts
which possess no legal privileges. If capitalized at the true value of
their plants, and conducted merely with a view to economy and not to
keeping prices above the competitive level, they may succeed. But which
of those trusts is so organized and so conducted? It is safe to say,
none. In capitalizing, each plant is inventoried at double its value or
more; and the consolidated business is conducted with a view to paying
good dividends on the stock so watered.
The trust which does this, without the aid of some kind of monopoly -
land, highway, patent, or the like - can no more succeed in business
than a boy can succeed in lifting himself by his boot straps. All such
trusts are fated from their inception to perish. Some have perished
It is probably true, however, that most trusts of the general character
last described, are not of that character strictly. Very likely most of
them are buttressed either with some special privilege of their own, or
with contractual interests in the special privileges of other
combinations. In that event their success depends upon the power of the
monopoly they so enjoy - to which extent they are in the category of
trusts of the second class described above, those grounded in legal
privilege. As the latter rise or fall, so may the former.
Trusts grounded in legal privilege may be expected to succeed or
collapse according as their legal privileges do or do not enable them
to control the original sources of supply of the goods they handle.
Unless they acquire control of these, it is only a matter of time when
another trust will. And if another trust does, it will either absorb
the first one or crush it.
Steel manufacturing trusts might for a time control the steel market.
But let another trust secure the ore mines, and the steel trusts would
be at its mercy. Manufacturing combinations, however complete, however
wealthy, even though buttressed with patents and in combination with
railroads, can retain their power only while the owners of the natural
sources of their supply are not combined.
It is a sine qua non
to success that a trust have its feet upon the earth. This has been
discovered by the great trusts. The steel trust goes back to the land,
and makes ore mines part of its property. The coal-transporting trust
of the anthracite region is careful to secure not only highways, but
coal mines. The trust that does not follow their example is
To analyze this subject is to conclude that the rage for forming trusts
will eventually react and produce a stupendous crash. Trusts with much
watered stock and without much monopoly power, will go first to their
fate. They will be followed by the monopoly trusts that fail to secure
fundamental monopolies. In the end no trusts will be left to rule in
the economic field save those which have their feet upon the ground.
The trust question leads directly to the land question.
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