
Liberals and Progressives
Fascists and Socialists

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Dan Sullivan

Classical Liberals and Early Progressives


Fascists and Socialists

By Dan Sullivan

Fascists and socialists are mirror opposites, not true opposites. Although socialists have hijacked the term "liberal" in the United States and have hijacked the word "progressive" all over the world, socialism and fascism are much closer to each other than to what we now call classical liberalism and early progressivism.

It seems to me that the primary difference between socialism and fascism, from the perspective of the socialist, is that it's socialism when "we" control everything and fascism when "they" control everything. That is, under socialism government takes over big business, and under fascism big business takes over government. Classical liberals and early progressives wanted people to be in control of their own lives and responsible to themselves as much as possible. They put forward proposals based on principles that functioned the same no matter who governed.

Here is how fascists and corporatists, socialist and communists, and classical liberals and early progressives compare on major issues.


Fascists and Corporatists

Socialists and Communists

Classical Liberals and Early Progressives


US corporatism took off during and after the US Civil War. Fascism was mostly an angry reaction to the humilation of Germany and Italy in WWI.

Mostly Germany as an angry reaction to the Industrial Revoltion, and Russia due to a power vacuum after liberals overthrew the Czar but had no power.

Mostly England, France, and North America, inspired by contact with American Indians, contact with Taoist literature by Eastern traders, and the revival of ancient Greek texts.

Human Rights

Only those who serve the state have rights.

Rights come from government, which is both the protector and arbiter of rights.

Rights come from God or Nature, and government is subordinate to those rights.

Ownership and Control

"The means of production" is privately owned but state controlled to benefit owners and the state.

"The means of production" is collectively owned and controlled. Communists take this further than socialists.

"The means of production" is a bogus term that conflates the fruits of labor with the commons.


Everything is private property, including state-created monopolies.

Major industries collectively owned under socialism. Everything collectively owned under communism.

Fruits of labor are private property. Coercive monopolies and right-of-way monopolies are publicly owned. Access to land is an equal, individual right.

Monopoly and Competition

Love monopoly, hate competition.

Love monopoly, hate competition.

Hate monopoly, love competition.

Government Centralism

People and businesses are subordinated to a strong, intrusive, centralized government.

People and businesses are subordinated to a strong, intrusive, centralized government (except that anarcho-syndicalists don't see that as the inevitable result of their proposals).

Government should be as decentralized and unobtrusive as possible.

Political Systems

Hate Democratic Republicanism and attack it.

Selectively hate Democratic Republicanism and attack it when it doesn't go their way.

Love Democratic Republicanism and defend it.

Political Rhetoric

Pander to the rich, vilify the poor.

Pander to the poor, vilify the rich.

Focus on principles, pander to nobody and vilify nobody.

Political Violence

Seek power through a combination of political action and violence.

Seek power through a combination of political action and violence.

Seek progress through a combination of political action and reason, without violence wherever possible.

Free Speech

Suppress speech that can be called communistic.

Suppress speech that can be called fascistic.

Support free speech for all and rebut communistic and fascistic ideas.

Gun Control

Heavily armed police, disarmed citizens.

Heavily armed police, disarmed citizens.

Citizens armed well enough to resist tyranny.


Military domination of others for national supremacy.

Military domination to spread socialism and communism to other countries.

Minimal military for defense only.

Free Trade

Protectionism in the national interest.

Protectionism in the name of "fair trade," but without a clear sense of what's fair.

Free trade that is also free of privilege.


Fan hostility toward minority races, portray majority race members as victims.

Fan hostility toward majority race, portray minority races as victims, at least until it attains power.

Remove legal privileges that underly racial inequality.


Tax the poor in ways that utimately hurt the rich; sales taxes, poll taxes.

Tax the rich in ways that utimately hurt the poor. Income taxes, wealth taxes.

Tax the value of economic privileges so everybody ultimately benefits. Land value tax, extraction royalties, pollution charges.


Saving Communities
420 29th Street
McKeesport, PA 15132
United States