The Ethics of Democracy
by Louis F. Post
Part 5,
Politico-Economic Principles
Chapter 6, An Economic Exploration and Survey
TO know how a loaf of bread is made and distributed is
to know more of political economy than all the text books and all the
statistics can teach. That was Emerson's idea, and Emerson was right.
But his idea does not imply that one must know all the chemical and
mechanical processes. They are manifold and complex, and it would be
impossible for one head, large or small, to hold so much. Even if there
were a human brain of this extraordinary capacity, it would very likely
be incapable of intelligently using the knowledge it held. Fortunately,
therefore, what is necessary is not comprehensive knowledge of
technical processes, which is impossible, but intelligent apprehension
of familiar economic phenomena, which is not difficult.
The Economic Mysteries
A child who knows how to get candy can be inducted into the economic
mysteries. Isn't candy got at the store with pennies? So is bread. A
child can understand that. But the same is true of everything else with
which the human family satisfy their material wants. Whether their
wants be of the stomach for food, of the body for clothing and shelter,
of the taste for superior qualities of food and clothing and shelter,
or of any of the desires for any other of the infinite variety of
material things, those wants are all satisfied by buying objects as
candy and bread are bought - by buying them, so to speak, at the store
with pennies. In civilized society every material desire can be
satisfied as it arises, simply by giving money for the things
that satisfy it.
But why is that true? Why do pennies so easily fetch us candy or bread
or other good things? They wouldn't if we were not living in civilized
society. On a desert island no amount of money could procure a
satisfaction for even the least of human desires. It cannot be, then,
that money is the final explanation of economic processes. It is
evidently only a superficial expression of something more fundamentally
characteristic of civilized life.
What that thing is should appear upon a moment's reflection. If money
will procure satisfaction for any want, in civilized society where
trade is a universal phenomenon, and only for a few in savage society
where there is but little trade, and none at all on a desert island
where there is no trade, then money must be merely a trade token. It
must be something, that is, which passes current among civilized people
not because anyone wants it for itself, but because it will buy other
things - things that are
wanted for themselves. And isn't this a fact which every thoughtful man
knows? It is not money but trade that enables the child to buy candy,
and his mother to buy bread, or his father to buy a house. If the
child's penny could not serve the storekeeper in trade when he goes to
buy what he wants for himself, he would not take it in trade when he
offers to sell candy to the child. He does not want it except to trade
it again. It is simply a token whereby he swaps what he sells for it
for what he buys with it. And this fact about the penny is true of all
money. The economic phenomenon, therefore, which is more fundamental
than money, without which money would be of no use and the object of no
one's desire, is trade.
Of course we know that trade consists in swapping things. But why is
anything swapped for another thing? Why are things traded? You cannot
trade the free air. You cannot trade the waters of the Great Lakes.
There are kinds of things, certainly, which cannot be traded. Yet there
are other kinds of things in great abundance and bewildering variety
which not only can be traded, but are in continual process of trade.
Why? What is it that distinguishes the tradable from the
Isn't it obviously value? Things having no value are not tradable, but
things having value are tradable.
As value is commonly expressed in terms of money, it being customary to
say of a valuable thing that it is worth so many pennies or so many
dollars, it might seem that we had now got back again to money. But
that is not the fact. Though value is expressed in terms of money, it
does not depend upon money. Things would have value all the same even
if there were no money to express their values. Money bears much the
same relation to value that the alphabet bears to language or to
thought. It furnishes convenient symbols for expression, but is not the
thing expressed.
Value is the expression of a comparison. As exemplified in trade it is
the name of the ratio at which tradable things are exchanged. If, for
illustration, one loaf of bread exchanges for five sticks of candy, the
ratio of bread to candy is as one to five. It follows that if you give
one penny for your stick of candy you must give five for your bread;
or, expressing these values in terms of money, that bread loaves are
worth five pennies and candy sticks are worth one penny. Yet it is
value itself, and not its capability of expression in terms of money,
that makes things tradable. The immediate cause of trade is
It cannot be, however, that value is the final explanation of economic
processes. There must be something still more fundamental. To say that
value is the economic base, is almost as superficial as to say that
money is. Value is not economically self-existent. It in turn must have
an economic cause.
The cause of value is serviceability, in the restricted sense of
capability of serving a human purpose. Unless an object is capable of
ministering to some human desire, unless, that is, it possesses the
quality of serviceability, it cannot exhibit the phenomenon of value.
Value rests upon serviceability. But upon serviceability plus something
else. For the air is incalculably serviceable, the waters of the Great
Lakes and of the oceans are immensely so, the sunlight is indispensably
so; yet none of these has value. It will be observed, however, that
while they are serviceable they are not difficult to get. . They are
not scarce. On the other hand, serviceable objects which are difficult
to get, serviceable objects which are scarce, invariably exhibit value.
The cause of value, then, is serviceability in a condition of scarcity.
Inasmuch, however, as it is not scarcity but serviceability that causes
normal desire for anything, serviceability and not scarcity is the
active or inciting cause of value.
True, however, as this obviously is, we have not yet reached the end of
our economic exploration. For serviceability, though the inciting cause
of value, is itself an effect of anterior causes. If bread were not
valuable it wouldn't be tradable. If it were not serviceable it
wouldn't have value. But if it didn't exist it couldn't be serviceable.
So its serviceability, its value, and its tradability, all depend in
turn upon its existence. This seems rather obtrusively obvious, but the
most obvious facts are sometimes ignored.
Now, bread does not exist naturally. It is an artificial object. And
that is true of the great mass of tradable objects. They are
artificial. Some tradable objects, it is true, are not artificial; but
these are tradable for a secondary reason - because they are capable of
securing in some way service from articles that are artificial. It is
the serviceability that is embodied or is capable of being embodied in
artificial objects, that makes anything tradable. We find, therefore,
that beneath all the economic phenomena we have thus far explored -
beneath money, trade, value and serviceability; beneath all these, in
the sense of being their cause - are the artificial objects which
possess the quality of serviceability, to which value therefore
attaches in conditions of scarcity, which are consequently tradable,
and which may for that reason be bought with money.
What technical name we give to such objects is of no moment, provided
we always use the same name to designate those objects, and use it for
nothing else. Then why not distinguish them as "wealth," which is a
good old economic term? Using the term strictly in that sense, we are
able to say that all the economic levels thus far explored rest upon
But the end is not yet, for wealth is not self-existent. Consisting of
artificial objects it cannot be. As the term "artificial" implies, such
objects are produced (which means drawn forth) by human art. If man
didn't exist, they would not appear. If man didn't labor, they would
not come forth. Without human exertion of brain and brawn, there would
be no wealth. Wealth, therefore, is properly called a labor product. So
we trace all economic processes back to human labor.
Every material thing is brought to us by human labor - our own labor or
some one else's; and if at any stage in the process labor were to stop,
our desires would forthwith begin to go unsatisfied. At first we should
have to stint ourselves, perhaps, only a little; but soon a little
more, and then more, until almost every want would plead in vain for
even the least satisfaction. The whole process of production and
distribution is a process of labor. The raw materials are produced by
labor; the tools and machinery, simple and complex, little and big, are
made and repaired and re-made by labor; the transportation facilities
are constructed and operated by labor; the factories and store
buildings are erected and utilized by labor.
In the loaf of bread there are the labor of the farmer who raises and
harvests grain, and of the miller who grinds it; of the mechanics who
make the tools and machinery for both farmer and miller, and of those
who make the tools and machinery for these mechanics; of the miner who
unearths the metals and the woodmen who cut the lumber; and then again
of those who make miners' and lumbermen's tools; of the labor that
builds railroads and the labor that operates them; of the labor of the
baker and that which equips bakeries; of the labor of the banker and
the banker's clerks in giving mobility to capital, and of that which
constructs and cares for their buildings, as well as that which through
other complexities of trade furnishes them with stationery and with
business furniture; and so on to the labor that slices the loaf at last
and that which produces the knife with which it is sliced. From
beginning to end it is all a labor process. Nor is it the labor of the
past that keeps the process going; it is the labor of the
The wealth we buy with money, then, for the satisfaction of our
desires, is in the last analysis the product of current human
The Fundamental Factors
We have now reached a final explanation. Beginning with the economic
phenomenon next at hand, and therefore most familiar, that of buying
satisfactions with money, we have proceeded, step by step, to the
consideration of related phenomena more remote. Thus we have accounted
for money by trade, for trade by value, for value by serviceability,
for serviceability by artificial objects, and for artificial objects by
human labor. It is as if in making a subterranean exploration, we had
first laid off the surface soil and then cut through the layers of
different material, one after another, down to rock bottom. And human
labor is the rock bottom of economic research. It supports all the
super-incumbent layers - artificial objects, serviceability, value,
trade and money.
Unlike the other economic phenomena through which we have picked our
way, labor is economically self-existent. It has no anterior cause on
the economic plane. For labor is a technical term descriptive of the
human family producing satisfactions for human desires. And while that
phenomenon is indeed an effect (as what short of Omnipotence is not?),
yet its cause lies beyond the field of economic inquiry. It is not an
effect of anterior economic causes. On the economic plane it is itself
the cause of all effects.
Nevertheless, labor cannot create. It cannot make something out of
nothing. It cannot say, "Let there be bread!" and there is bread. So
far from creating, labor has only the power to produce. That is, it can
draw forth artificial objects by so adapting the matter and forces
which nature supplies as to fit them for serving human purposes. It can
change the shape and place of natural things.
For instance, it can produce coal by changing its shape from the mass
in the vein to broken pieces in the mining chamber; it can still
further produce it by changing its place from the bottom of the mine to
the mouth; it can produce it further yet by changing its place from the
mouth of the mine to the coal bin, and finally to the stove or grate of
the distant consumer. Or, it can produce houses by changing the forms
of trees, rock, sand, clay and ore, and assembling them at one point
and in one form or shape from many distant points and different
But labor can produce nothing without natural resources. Tools it does
not need. For labor, considered as a cooperative whole, makes all its
own tools. They are artificial objects - wealth. But it does need raw
materials and working places upon the earth. To use the inclusive
economic term, it does need "land." Land is the one thing, the only
thing, that labor must have and cannot make. Land is the sole condition
of all the economic processes that labor generates. For mining, it must
have access to mining land; for farming, to agricultural land; for
urban building, to urban land sites; for railroading, to rights of way
over land; for sailing, to docks; and so on. Labor without land, even
if life were possible, would be utterly powerless to generate the
economic processes. On the other hand, land without labor is
unproductive of artificial satisfactions. It only furnishes the natural
storehouse and workshop for labor, leaving labor to do the rest. Though
labor generates the economic processes, it must have access to land to
do so. And land it cannot produce. Land is not an artificial object,
but a natural one. But with access to land, labor produces in abundance
all those artificial objects having value, which we have called
Labor is fundamental and land is fundamental. They are the prime
factors of all economic processes; labor being the initial or active
force and land the responsive or passive condition. Thus labor produces
wealth from land, and land yields wealth to labor.
Land, Labor and Wealth, then, are the three subjects of first
importance in all economic problems. Land passively yields matter,
space and force to the knowledge and skill of man. The active
application of that knowledge and skill to those passive elements is
Labor; and its product the natural matter and energy so shaped and
adjusted as to satisfy the desires that stirred the laborer to activity
is Wealth. From this starting point the steps we have taken may be
retraced, and the way be more minutely surveyed. Back to money and its
functions, through all the mazes of serviceability, value and trade, it
is now possible to go with a certainty born of confidence in
familiarity with the route. We have discovered the most fundamental of
economic principles, and in their light problems otherwise perplexing
may be easily and correctly solved.
Let us begin this survey with a somewhat more extended
examination into the economic characteristics of Land, which, as we
have seen, is the sole condition of the economic processes that Labor
at any time generates or maintains.
Land is the natural storehouse from which man draws all his supplies,
and the one foundation upon which he rests all his structures. It
includes everything except the human family, and such objects as the
human family have altered in condition so as to adapt them to human
desires. Not only the soil, but the water, the atmosphere, the
sunlight, building sites, railway sites, mineral deposits, forests, and
even the birds of the air, the fishes of the sea, and the wild animals
that roam the earth, are included in this economic category.
It may seem absurd to designate animals and water and air and sunlight
as "land," a term habitually associated with the soil and used in
contradistinction to air and water. But we are not now considering
physics or natural history. The subject of our inquiry is the economic
relations of the human family to its environment. We must distinguish
things, therefore, by their economic peculiarities.
For that purpose some term having no colloquial connotations might be
much better than "land"; some word meaning, for example, "material
environment" or "earth chance." But one word will do as well as another
if we are careful to think of it in the sense in which we agree to use
it. So in economic matters we may speak of "land" without limiting our
meaning to what the farmer means when he speaks of plowing "land," or
the sailor when upon sighting a shore line he announces the fact with a
"land, ho!" or the ocean traveler when he puts his foot upon the dock
and tells you he has "landed." We use it as a technical term to
distinguish sharply from all other things the natural environment of
the human family. As all must agree, man has a natural environment
without which he could not work, could not produce satisfactions, could
not live at all - an environment which is to his life of wonderful
variety what bodies of water are to the simple life of fish and the
upper air to that of birds. This environment includes every natural
thing that man needs, ranging from air for breathing to all the matter
and all the forces of nature, including animal life, which he may alter
in condition so as to adapt it to the satisfaction of any of his
desires. For convenient reference to that environment, some simple
technical term is needed, and the one with which political economists
have long been familiar is Land.
This, as already explained, is the sole passive or responsive condition
of economic processes. No economic process is possible without it. It
always has been, is now, and, though human achievement accomplish
untold wonders, always must be, one of the two indispensable factors of
producing satisfactions for human desires. Any other conclusion is
Without Labor, however, Land would yield no artificial thing. Labor is
the other indispensable factor. As Land is the passive economic
condition, so Labor is the initial economic force. It is Labor applied
to and operating upon and in conjunction with Land that causes every
other economic process. Or, to put the same thought in another form, it
is by means of the energies of man, mental and physical, applied to and
operating upon and in conjunction with the material energies of his
natural environment, that all artificial satisfactions of human desires
are produced. For Labor, like Land, is a technical term of political
economy, and as such must be understood more comprehensively than in
common speech. It designates human energies, mental and physical, in so
far at least as they are devoted to economic processes. So it
comprehends all serviceable work - of mind or muscle, with skill or
without, as hired man or "boss"; and whether on farms or in factories,
out upon the sea or down in the mine, up in the high stories of
skyscrapers or away from civilization in the depths of primeval
forests, in the hospital or the pulpit, at the bar or the easel or the
teacher's desk, in store or warehouse or railroad train or street car
or public office. All service is Labor, whether it be a service
rendered directly, like that of the barber who shaves you, or one
rendered indirectly, like that of the mechanic who impresses his energy
upon matter, thereby producing exchangeable objects. Wherever or
however human energy responds to the cravings of human desire, the
expenditure of that energy for that purpose is Labor.
When this application of the energies of man to his natural environment
produces substantial results, those results are distinguished by the
technical term Wealth.
Wealth is drawn from external nature by man, who, by changing natural
materials in form or place or both, produces such artificial objects as
tend to satisfy human desire. In technical phrase: from Land, Labor
produces Wealth. To call in the aid of metaphor: as father
to mother and children to parents, so is Labor to Land and Wealth to
Among the distinguishing characteristics of Wealth is its tendency to
revert. Not only does it consist of artificial objects produced by man
from his natural environment, but with use or lapse of time it loses
its artificial quality and passes back again into the great reservoir
of matter and force whence it came. A loaf of bread is Wealth. So were
the flour of which it was made, the wheat from which the flour was
ground, and all the artificial implements which were utilized to bring
the grain to fruition, to grind the flour, to bake the bread, and to
transport grain, flour and implements in the form of a loaf of bread to
the consumer. In raising the grain, agricultural implements were
subjected to a "wear and tear" which returned them in degree to the
natural reservoirs of supply; while the seed, produced by previous
effort, was wholly returned. In grinding the flour, milling implements
were returned in degree by their "wear and tear"; and so with baking
implements and transporting agencies. At last the bread itself is eaten
or wasted. In either case it also returns to the natural
What is thus true of bread and its artificial constituents is true of
all other artificial objects. Sooner or later, and with most of them
much sooner than later, all artificial objects revert to their original
economic condition as part of the natural environment of man.
In technical phrase, therefore, not only is all Wealth produced by
Labor from Land, but in natural course it all tends to pass back into
Land. This is the never varying result of economic processes.
But why do men produce by Labor from Land artificial objects, or
Wealth, if those objects inevitably go back to Land again? Simply, as
we have already casually observed, because the consumption of those
objects, which is one of the ways in which they revert, satisfies human
Consuming bread satisfies a desire for food; wearing out clothing
satisfies desires for covering and ornament; occupying houses, driving
horses and carriages, carrying a watch, wearing a jewel, and so on,
satisfy other desires. Men systematically produce these things because
consuming them gives satisfaction.
It is not because the labor of producing them is itself a pleasure. On
the contrary, men instinctively shrink from systematic labor for its
own sake. Under natural law - in this connection a law of human nature
- men instinctively seek the satisfaction of their desires in the
easiest way. Their object is to get the most and the best with the
least effort. This is the natural law that inflicts upon us predatory
crime when it is perverted, but blesses us with labor-saving invention
when it operates normally.
Translated into economic terms, that law, the most fundamental of all
the laws of political economy, would read: "In producing Wealth from
Land, Labor seeks the easiest way - the line of least
Since production is irksome and Labor instinctively seeks the line of
least resistance, the things it produces must either have, or seem to
have, the power of giving some kind of satisfaction, else it will not
produce them. That is to say, Wealth must possess the quality of
Serviceability. It must be capable of serving some purpose, of
ministering to some desire, whether good or bad, doubtful or
indifferent. Wealth adapted to serve normal human wants, giving no one
pain in order to give others pleasure, may be distinguished as useful,
that is, as possessing the quality of utility. Bread would come in this
category. But Wealth adapted to serve the purpose of giving pleasure or
satisfaction to one by giving pain or causing loss to another (such as
instruments of torture), is lacking in the quality of utility.
Nevertheless it may be accounted as serviceable, in the restricted
sense of the term. It serves to satisfy a desire.
Serviceability as a quality of Wealth is exhibited in two general
aspects. An artificial object may be serviceable either in satisfying
desire directly, or as a tool or material in aiding to produce such
objects. A loaf of bread upon the table satisfies a desire directly; it
appeases hunger. But wheat, flour, agricultural implements, mills,
cars, wagons, ovens, warehouses, etc., the various artificial materials
and artificial implements whereby the loaf of bread is produced to the
table of the consumer, these do not satisfy desire directly. They are
artificial means whereby objects that do satisfy it directly may be
These two kinds of Serviceability give distinctive character to the
articles of Wealth to which they respectively attach. For the articles
of Wealth which have the kind of Serviceability that satisfies desire
directly, are finished; whereas those that do so indirectly, something
being yet necessary to be done to give them final Serviceability, are
unfinished. Bread in the possession of the consumer is finished. But
wheat, flour, ovens, cars, and the other materials and mechanism for
making bread and delivering it to the consumer, and also the bread in
the store, are in the other category. Something remains yet to be done
by Labor before they have the final kind of Serviceability. To the
degree, therefore, that they are used in or are devoted to satisfying
the desire for bread, mediately, they are unfinished bread.
With reference to its economic Serviceability, then, there are two
kinds of Wealth, namely, Finished and Unfinished. This distinction is
important, as we shall see when we get back to Trade; for in Trade it
is unfinished wealth that constitutes capital.
Value as well as Serviceability attaches to Wealth. Since artificial
objects, or Wealth, have Serviceability - are capable, that is, of
satisfying desire - they have possibilities of Value. But they do not
for that reason alone actually exhibit Value. They must be scarce as
well as serviceable.
If artificial objects could be produced by simple fiat, they would have
as much Serviceability as if produced laboriously; but they would have
no Value, because they would never be scarce. But why wouldn't they be
scarce? Because their acquisition in abundance by everybody would be
irksome to nobody. Inasmuch, then, as man is not endowed with magical
power; as he cannot say, "Let there be bread!" and there is bread; as,
on the contrary, every artificial object is produced only at the
expense of human exertion, often severe, and always irksome if
frequently repeated - this being the commonplace fact, artificial
objects are always scarce except as irksome labor modifies their
Their possibilities of Value are realized or made manifest through
scarcity; but nothing, however scarce, can have Value unless it
possesses the quality of Serviceability. It may have no utility, and
still have Value. It may be incapable, that is, of serving any useful
purpose, and yet be valuable. But it must have Serviceability of some
kind. It must be capable of serving some purpose, or it will be
valueless. Value cannot rest upon nor coexist with non-Serviceability.
This does not mean that Serviceability and Value are the same thing.
They are different things. Nor does it mean that the measure of one is
the measure of the other. A given degree of Serviceability has
different degrees of Value according to circumstances. What is meant is
that Serviceability is the immediate active cause, the immediate
generating force, of Value; that no object can under any circumstances
have any Value unless it is or seems to be capable of serving some
Scarcity being necessary to make manifest the Value that resides
potentially in Serviceability, all the elements of the Value of Wealth
spring from Labor. It is a resultant of two Labor forces - the dynamic
of productive power, and the inertia of irksomeness. Productive power
can generate Serviceability; irksomeness restrains productive power;
the equilibrium is indicated by Value. The application of Labor
artificially invests objects with Serviceability, and the irksomeness
of Labor invests their Serviceability with Value.
Even to Robinson Crusoe, alone upon his island, this phenomenon of
Value was present, though he might not have recognized it by name. He
certainly would have valued more those of his artificial possessions
that would have cost him great exertion to replace, than those that
would have cost him less. The point is admirably made by Henry George.* Referring to Crusoe, he writes that
the essential idea of Value "would be brought out in Crusoe's mind by
any question of getting or saving one of two or more things. Of several
things to him equally useful, which he might find in the wreck of his
ship, or on the shore line under conditions which would enable him to
secure but one; or of several equally useful to him, which were
threatened by a deluge of rain or an incursion of savages, it is
evident that he would 'set the most store' by that which would
represent to him the greatest effort to replace. Thus, in a tropical
island his valuation of a quantity of flour, which he could replace
only by cultivating, gathering and pounding the grain, would be much
greater than of an equal quantity of bananas, which he might replace at
the cost of plucking and carrying them; but on a more northern island
this estimate of relative value might be reversed. And so all things
which to get or retain would require of him toil, would come to assume
in his mind a relation of value distinct from and independent of their
usefulness, a relation based on the greater or less degree of exertion
that their possession would enable him to avoid in the gratification of
his desires.... In the last analysis, value is but an expression of
exertion avoided."
The last sentence of that quotation furnishes probably the most exact
explanation of Value to be found anywhere in the books: "an expression
of exertion avoided" - an expression, that is, of Labor saved. It
throws a bright light upon the whole subject of economic Value, whether
of artificial or other objects, making it perfectly clear why some
things are more valuable than others, and why the degrees of difference
are so numerous and extreme. It is not the Labor saved-up or stored in
a serviceable object, but the Labor to be saved or avoided by
possession of the serviceable object, that gives it Value; and degrees
of Value are regulated by the degrees of Labor to be saved by
possession of the objects, respectively, to which Value
Primarily, the objects to which Value attaches are artificial - those
objects distinguished as Wealth. This is because such objects are
primarily non-existent. They come into being only through Labor, which
must be exerted to modify the natural scarcity; and since that exertion
is irksome, its results are valuable in the degree that they will serve
to save the possessor further exertion.
But secondarily, Value attaches also to natural objects - those
distinguished as Land. It does so only secondarily, because primarily
Land is not non-existent. On the contrary, primarily it is
superabundant. But when some parts of it yield easier returns to Labor
than other parts, those parts are capable relatively of saving Labor in
the production of Wealth. Consequently, if such Land is made scarce by
monopolization it becomes valuable; and the degree of its value is in
accordance with the degree of Labor it is capable of saving its
Such being the nature of Value, nothing but a peculiarity of Labor not
yet considered, is necessary to cause Trade. This peculiarity is best
known as Division of Labor, though the better term is Cooperation. It
results from the law of human nature already mentioned, that men try to
satisfy their desires in the easiest known way.
Evidently a larger general result, a greater volume of Wealth, can be
produced with less Labor if some men work regularly at one or some
parts of one thing, and others at other things or some of their parts,
than if each man works at everything. If, for instance, armies of
workmen devote their time and energies to preparing leather, separate
groups doing over and over some particular act in the process from
raising the cattle to tanning hides; if other armies, also divided into
specialized groups, turn the leather into shoes; if still others do the
transporting and others the storekeeping, while others divide up into
groups to make and maintain the machinery, and so on, more and better
shoes will be made and brought to consumers than if each of these men
were to devote the same energy to all the processes of making and
delivering shoes. This is true of all artificial objects. It is,
therefore, economical to make and deliver Wealth by the process which
should be known as Cooperation, but is known as Division of
This process may be observed in two aspects. Sometimes men literally
divide their efforts, to produce results which would otherwise waste
time and energy. Thus, two men having two errands each to do, two to
the eastward a mile and two to the westward a mile, will do them more
easily and quickly if one attends to both in one direction and the
other to both in the opposite direction, than if each does one errand
in each direction. By dividing their efforts, they economize time and
energy. The other aspect of Division of Labor is exhibited when men
join their efforts to produce results which none of them could
accomplish alone. Thus our two men could build two houses, each of
which would be better than either man could build alone. So Division of
Labor means not only division, but also union, of labor; which is in
itself a good reason for preferring the term Cooperation.
Now the things so done would, as we have seen, have Serviceability.
Otherwise, they would not be done - certainly not systematically or
regularly, which is of the essence of political economy. These two
houses, for example, would serve to live in; and if bread were the
object of two of those errands and meat of the other two, the meat and
bread would serve for food.
Having Serviceability, under circumstances which would enable their
possession to save necessary Labor in order to satisfy desire (which
implies Scarcity), they would also have Value. The Value of the houses
would be greater than that of the lumber, etc., which would be greater
than that of the timber, etc., because each in its order would be a
labor-saver. So of the bread and meat. After being brought to the
central point where they were desired, else the errands would not have
been done they would have more Value than before the errands, because
they would save the Labor of bringing that much bread and meat to that
point to satisfy the desire which caused the errands to be
We now have a grasp of the conditions of Trade.
To recur for illustration to the examples: When those houses are
finished, their possession will save equal Labor. Consequently they
have equal Value, and the two men will exchange their respective
undivided interests equally. Each will swap his undivided interest in
the house he gives, for the other's undivided interest in the house he
gets. So each comes to own, as the result of his own labor, a whole
house, which neither is capable of building by himself.
Likewise with the errands. When they are done, the two men have at the
central point, where they are wanted, two loaves of bread fetched a
mile in one direction, and two pieces of meat fetched a mile in
another. As the possession of either loaf will save further Labor in
equal degree, they have equal Value. Similarly of the pieces of meat.
But how much Labor would each loaf of bread save over and above its
cost at the mile-away bakery? Obviously not more than a two-mile walk.
Precisely so with the pieces of meat. Consequently, as a rule, no one
would give more for either than the equivalent of a two-mile walk.
Therefore, the man who fetched the bread would trade even, his extra
loaf for the other's extra piece of meat, and vice versa, provided each
had cost the same at the point from which it was carried. If either had
cost more at that point, the men would adjust this difference and then
trade even.
Now, it is the same in principle whether two men do each other's
errands and swap the results, thus securing bread and meat with economy
of Labor; or whether two men help build each other's houses and swap
their Labor interests therein, thus securing better houses than either
can build by himself; or whether millions upon millions of men help get
one another's bread and meat, help build one another's houses, help
make one another's clothes, help furnish one another's luxuries in a
word, contribute to the making and delivery of every variety of
artificial objects, by cooperatively dividing and uniting Labor, and
then swap their respective interests. The principle is
It is by means of this Division of Labor that the social body
economizes Labor in the production of Wealth, and by means of this
swapping that the Wealth which Labor draws forth is distributed. The
whole process of making and swapping is Cooperation, or Division of
Labor and Trade. Whoever gets any species of Wealth in free exchange
for his Labor has in effect produced the thing he gets. It is the same
in principle as if he had made it himself; for, exchanges being
voluntary and in free conditions, what one gives is as a rule the
equivalent in Value of what he gets.
It is a mistake to suppose that in our day the individual cannot
rightfully own any kind of Wealth because no individual now completely
produces any kind. When the Value of what he contributes in Trade to
the volume of Wealth in one form is equivalent to the Value of what he
draws in Trade from the volume of Wealth in another form, it cannot be
fairly said that he has no moral or economic title to what he draws
As we have already found, there are two kinds of Serviceability -
mediate and final, a flouring mill being typical of the one and a loaf
of bread in the larder of the other. We have distinguished these as
Finished Wealth and Unfinished Wealth. It is only in conditions of
Trade that this difference becomes important. For it is only in those
conditions that these two different kinds of Wealth fall into different
In Trade, however, Unfinished Wealth, that is Wealth having
distinctively mediate or indirect Serviceability as distinguished from
final, the Serviceability of the mill in contradistinction to that of
the loaf of bread, becomes a distinctive class of property and is
therefore subject to different ownerships. Whereas Robinson Crusoe, of
Selkirk's firm island in the sea, was only one individual and owned 'in
common," so to speak, all his Wealth, unfinished as well as finished,
tools as well as final satisfactions, the Robinson Crusoe of Galileo's
floating island in space, is composed of millions of individuals, some
of whom own one kind of unfinished Wealth, some other kinds, and some
others still, and all own, in greater or less degree, at least now and
then, a supply of finished Wealth. When Unfinished Wealth is thus
differentiated by Trade into a distinctive class of property it is
known as capital Wealth - for short, Capital.
Other things are often called Capital. But it is technically wrong and
logically misleading to call them by that name if we give the name to
Unfinished Wealth. Money, for instance, is not Capital. The fact that
it will trade for Capital does not make it such, any more than the fact
that a new pair of shoes will trade for a five-dollar greenback makes
them money. Though money may represent Capital it is itself something
else. Neither is a building site Capital, nor a mineral deposit, nor
any other natural object. Natural objects are distinguished as Land. In
a slave country slaves might be called Capital, but they are not
Capital. Slaves are workingmen. They are therefore distinguished as
Labor. Capital is the distinctive term for that form of Wealth (which
means artificial objects adapted to satisfy human desires) that has
mediate or indirect as distinguished from final Serviceability. It is
Wealth which is not yet in the hands of the consumer - Wealth which is,
therefore, in the economic sense, unfinished.
Out of this segregation of Capital Wealth from Final Wealth, arise all
problems with reference to interest, or the so-called earnings of
Capital. These problems are too much involved in confusions of Capital
with things that are not Capital, to admit of examination in this
general survey of first principles. It will be enough here to say that
inasmuch as Capital is a class of Wealth, and all classes of Wealth are
produced by Labor, the earnings of Capital, if such there be, must be
earnings of Labor. They therefore belong, in fairness, to whoever has
either made the earning-Capital with his own Labor or acquired the
ownership of it in free exchange, Value for Value, for what he has made
with his own labor. Interest on Capital is but a form of Wages for
This brings us to a consideration of the earnings of Labor in
conditions of Trade, for which Wages is the technical term. But as
"wages" means colloquially only the hire of certain classes of
subordinate workmen, another caution is necessary. Since Labor
comprehends all human effort, whether of brain or muscle, in producing
satisfactions for human desires, and not merely hired labor, so the
compensation for Labor comprehends more than the pay of hired laborers.
That proportion of the whole volume of Wealth that flows to Labor as
its share is what is meant by the technical term Wages.
If Labor were the only factor in the production of Wealth, that is, if
human exertion could create artificial objects out of nothing, needing
neither raw materials nor standing room nor natural environment of any
kind, then all the Wealth created would go to laborers as Wages in
return for their expenditure of effort in producing it. In other words,
Wealth and Wages would then coincide. The non-laborer could take
nothing except by theft or as a voluntary gift from his toiling
But Labor cannot create Wealth. It can only produce or draw forth
Wealth from external nature - from Land. It must go to Land alike for
materials and implements and final product - for capital Wealth, as
well as final Wealth, - and to Land also for a working place.
Yet, so long as there is no scarcity of the best quality of requisite
Land, it is the same with reference to compensation as if no Land were
needed. For one place being as good as another, and every place
offering opportunity in excess of the need, there would be no premiums
for place, and the entire product would go to Labor as Wages. Wealth
and Wages would still coincide.
But with the monopolization and consequent scarcity of superior places,
there enters the possibility of diverting some proportion of Wealth, or
premiums for place, to another category than Wages. This proportion is
classified apart from the rest because it represents an economic
difference - a saving of Labor which the better but scarce sites offer
over the abundant but poorer ones. The term for that class or category
is Rent, which means, of course, not merely what tenants pay to
landlords for real estate, but comprehensively what can be exacted for
Land as distinguished from real estate - what can be exacted for
superior places. It is in this manner that Land acquires Value, the
Rent of Land and the Value of Land being only different manifestations
of the same economic fact. Land Value is simply the capitalization of
Land Rent.
Rent attaches to Land as Wages attach to Labor. Consequently, the
laborer on a specially desirable and scarce site may differentiate his
Rent from his Wages by transferring his Land, or he may have it
differentiated against his will by expropriation.
When this differentiation is made we have that most fundamental
phenomenon of Trade, the distribution of artificial objects or Wealth
in two categories: Wages, which is all the Wealth that remains after
what is due to the advantages of exceptional and scarce places has been
deducted; and Rent, which is the proportion of Wealth that is due to
the advantages of those places. This primary division is regulated by
competition for Land.
A secondary division, also regulated by competition, divides Rent among
land owners in proportion to the value of their land holdings,
respectively, and the Wages fund among workers in proportion to the
value of their services respectively.
As Labor becomes more and more productive of Wealth, exceptionally
desirable Land becomes relatively more and more scarce; consequently
the Rent fund tends to increase side by side with the Wages fund. This
makes it highly desirable to own such Land. For one may thus satisfy
his wants with least exertion, or with no exertion at all; a patent
fact which generates a tendency to monopolize Land in advance of
general need for it, with the expectation or hope that it may come to
command exceptional advantages for Labor - that a city may spring up
near it or on it, or a mine be discovered under its surface, or a
farming population grow thick in the region. But this tendency has the
effect of abnormally lessening the general market supply of Land, and
thereby, so to speak, of inflating or "watering" Rent.
Now, Rent proper represents a normal advantage. It does not press upon
the Wages fund, but equalizes Wages up to the standard of Labor done
without peculiar advantages of place. Laborers thereby get equal
returns for equal work, regardless of location.
But the "water" in Rent does make a pressure upon Wages. It can be
traded for Wealth only at the expense of the Wages fund. This is the
condition when most of the Land having superior Serviceability is
monopolized. Rent, expanded by "water," presses more and more upon the
Wages fund until that fund is so compressed that Labor refuses to
continue production for the abnormally reduced compensation. Then the
"water" bag collapses. When this happens we call it industrial
depression; and we call the readjusting process "hard times."
Taxation may play an effective part in the economic pressure of
"watered" Rent - upon Wages. If trading transactions are taxed, the
Wages fund will be diminished, and Labor thereby weakened so as to be
able all the less to resist the pressure of "watered" Rent the
political moral of which would seem to be that trading ought to be
exempt from taxation. If the owning of Land having Value (which is the
equivalent of rentyielding power) is taxed, the Rent fund will be
diminished, thereby weakening the force of its pressure upon Wages -
the political moral of which would seem to be that such Land-owning
ought to be taxed.
Either Trade or Land monopoly may be obstructed by taxation to a far
greater extent than the amount of the tax. This may happen if trading
is so heavily taxed that it is checked, or land monopolizing so heavily
taxed as to be discouraged. In comparing these differing effects of
taxation it might be wise to observe that trading serves mankind best
when it is not obstructed, and that land monopoly does not serve
mankind at all.
As Labor can use Land effectively without owning it or hiring it,
doubtless the ideal adjustment of land tenure would be one under which
men would refuse to take title save for occupancy and use. This can be
best secured by taxing Rent into the common purse, which, by removing
temptations to forestall Land, would at once let out the "water" - and
keep it out. There would thus be left no other motive for seeking title
than desire to use.
It would be ideal also in this, that it would leave to Labor in the
Wages fund for competitive distribution, the earnings of individual
effort, while taking for Labor in the Rent fund, for public or common
use, the undistributable earnings of social effort as an indivisible
whole. Wealth would then coincide with the sum of two kinds of earnings
Wages, or the distributable mass of individual earnings; and Rent, or
the undistributable mass of social earnings. The nearer this
distribution is realized, the nearer do we approach the economic
Coming now back again to the surface where our exploration began, we
are again confronted with the phenomenon of Money.
In the concrete, Money is a token of Trade. For a metal disc called a
cent we get a stick of candy, and the storekeeper passes the disc on to
others in exchange for whatever he wants maybe two sticks of candy, to
be sold again at a profit. We may do the same thing in larger
transactions with a silver dime, or quarter, or half, or dollar, or
with gold coins or paper money. All these are tokens of trade, which
close transactions and leave no obligation of debt behind.
But comparatively little of the world's trading is done by the actual
passing of such tokens. Checks and drafts, which are orders upon
bookkeepers directing them to shift credits upon their ledgers, are
used for the most part. Yet money terms are retained, checks and drafts
being drawn and all commercial books being kept in the language of
It is characteristic of Trade that the terminology of Serviceability,
as pounds and ounces, or feet and inches, or quarts and pints, is
translated into the terminology of Value, as francs and centimes, or
pounds, shillings and pence, or marks and pfennigs, or dollars and
cents. Consequently, confusion of thought often arises. It is said, for
instance, that some man is worth a million dollars, and the imagination
pictures him as possessing that much Money. But he has nothing like it.
What is really meant is that he has property the Value of which is
equal to a million dollars of Money.
This use of money terms for measuring property is a prolific cause of
crooked thinking regarding economic relationships. It confuses just and
unjust property in a bewildering muddle. When we say that two men, are
each worth ten thousand dollars, we think of their property rights as
identical. Yet the property rights of the one might be utterly
indefensible, while those of the other might be wholly unobjectionable.
Could we examine their inventories we might find that the one owns
thousands of dollars' worth of slaves (who are in justice entitled to
own themselves); thousands of dollars' worth of private taxing power
(which is a privilege of extortion); and thousands of dollars' worth of
land (which is a common inheritance); while the entire fortune of the
other might consist of buildings, machinery and the like (which are
justly his if he has made them himself or has swapped his labor for
them, directly or indirectly, to their makers). These fundamental moral
and economic distinctions are covered up by the use of money terms for
indiscriminately measuring Serviceability in Trade.
For that reason it is necessary to examine, as we have done, into the
nature of Trade, where the language of Money prevails; to probe Value,
which makes Trade possible; to consider Serviceability, from which
Value proceeds; and to analyze Wealth, which embodies Serviceability.
Having done that, we find that Wealth, from which spring all these
phenomena - Serviceability, Value, Trade and Money - is the product of
Labor applied to Land. A diagram of the route and ramifications of this
economic exploration and survey is given in connection with this
chapter for the purpose of refreshing the memory and aiding the
understanding of the reader.
[insert diagram, between pp 246, 247]
Property Rights
We are able now clearly to see that the justice of any property right,
though its Value be expressed in terms of Money regardless of its
economic character, depends at last upon its relations to Labor and
Land. These things lie back of all kinds of "vested rights."
And they determine infallibly whether any of those rights are just or
unjust. For there are two ways, and, broadly speaking, only two,
whereby man enslaves his fellow man. He may do so by acquiring "vested
rights" in Labor, which enable him to compel workingmen to work for
him. This is called chattel slavery. Or he may do so by acquiring
"vested rights" in Land, which enable him to deny life to workingmen
unless they work for him. This is called land monopoly. In the one case
the slavery is active; in the other it is passive.
In either there may be great varieties of form. Ownership of Labor does
not consist alone in title deeds to slaves. Any taxing power for
private profit is of the same nature. It compels men to give up part of
their earnings for nothing. Neither does ownership of Land consist
alone in the title deeds to particular parcels of earth laid off by
metes and bounds. All public franchises, as street car privileges,
railroad rights of way, dock privileges, and the like, are in their
nature the same. The essence of slavery, active or passive, is in every
one of them.
"Slavery," someone has said, "is the sum of all sin." He only put into
other phrase the sentiment of Paul: "The love of money is the root of
all evil." To love money, and not the earning of it, is to love
slavery. And that is the sum and substance of all economic problems and
of all civic morality.
* "Science of Political Economy," page 248.
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