Ethics of Democracy
Part 5,
Politico-Economic Principles
Chap. 3, The Laborer and His Hire
The basic
principle of Economics,
of the art of ordering the social relations of mankind, may then be
summed up in the one word Justice.
- Lewis H. Berens,
in "Toward the Light"
Are there no
slaves to-day? While we sit here at play,
Have we no
brothers in adversity?
None sorry nor
oppressed, who without hope or rest
Must toil and have
no pleasure in their toil?
These are your
slaves and mine. Where is the right divine
Of idlers to
encumber God's good soil?
There is no man
alive, however he may strive,
Allowed to own the
work of his own hands.
Landlords and
water lords at all the roads and fords,
Taking their toll,
imposing their commands.
- Bliss Carman
ermine clad, nor clothed in state,
Their title deeds
not yet made plain;
But waking early,
toiling late,
The heirs of all
the earth remain.
Some day, by laws
as fixed and fair
As guide the
planets in their sweep,
The children of
each outcast heir
The harvest fruits
of time shall reap.
Some day without a
trumpet's call,
This news shall
o'er the earth be blown:
The heritage comes
back to all;
The myriad
monarchs take their own.
- Thomas Wentworth
the same spirit looks into the law of Property, and accuses men of
driving a trade in the great boundless Providence which had given the
air, the water, and the land to men to use and not to fence in and
monopolize. ("The Times.") I
cannot occupy the bleakest crag of the White Hills or the Allegheny
Range, but some man or corporation steps up to me to show me that it is
his. ("The Conservative.") Touch
any wood, or field, or house lot on your peril; but you may come and
work in ours for us, and we will give you a piece of bread. ("The
Conservative.") Of
course, whilst another man has no land, my title to mine, your title to
yours, is at once vitiated. ("Man the
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
speaking, the land belongs to these two: To the Almighty God; and to
all his Children of Men that have ever worked well on it, or that shall
ever work well on it. No generation of men can or could, with never
such solemnity and effort, sell Land on any other principle: it is not
the property of any generation.
- Thomas Carlyle, in
"Past and Present,"
Book III, Chapter VIII.
any plain understanding the right of property is very simple. It is the
right of man to possess, enjoy, and transfer, the substance and use of
whatever he has himself created. This title is good against the world;
and it is the sole and only title by which a valid right of absolute
private property can possibly vest. But no man can plead any such title
to a right of property in the substance of the soil.
- James Fintan Lalor, in "The
Irish Felon," July 8, 1848.
It is easy to persuade the masses that the good things of this
world are unjustly divided - especially when it happens to be the
exact truth.
- Froude's "Caesar."
affirm that a man can rightfully claim exclusive ownership in his own
labor when embodied in material things, is to deny that any one can
rightfully claim exclusive ownership in land. -("Progress
and Poverty," Book VII, Ch. I.)
So far from the recognition of private property in land being necessary
to the proper use of land, the contrary is the case. Treating land as
private property stands in the way of its proper use. Were land treated
as public property it would be used and improved as soon as there was
need for its use or improvement, but being treated as private property,
the individual owner is permitted to prevent others from using or
improving what he cannot or will not use or improve himself.
-(Same, Book VIII, Ch. I.) We
should satisfy the law of justice, we should meet all economic
requirements, by at one stroke abolishing all private titles, declaring
all land public property, and letting it out to the highest bidders in
lots to suit, under such conditions as would sacredly guard the private
right to improvements.... But such a plan, though perfectly feasible,
does not seem to me the best. Or rather I propose to accomplish the
same thing in a simpler, easier, and quieter way, than that of formally
confiscating all the land and formally letting it out to the highest
bidders.... We already take some rent in taxation. We have only to make
some changes in our modes of taxation to take it all. What I,
therefore, propose... is - to appropriate rent by taxation.... Now,
inasmuch as the taxation of rent, or land values, must necessarily be
increased just as we abolish other taxes, we may put the proposition
into practical form by proposing - to
abolish all taxation save that upon land values.
(Same, Book VIII, Ch. II.)
- Henry George
ye blind, from your futile banding!
Know the rights
and the rights are won.
Wrong shall die
with the understanding,
One truth clear,
and the work is done.
Nature is higher
than Progress or Knowledge
Whose need is
ninety enslaved for ten.
My word shall
stand against mart and college:
The planet belongs
to its living men!
- "Liberty," by John
Boyle O'Reilly
Saving Communities
prosperity through freedom, equality, local
autonomy and respect for the commons.
The Ethics of Democracy
by Louis F. Post
Part 5,
Politico-Economic Principles
Chapter 3, The Laborer and His Hire
ALONG with the notion that competition is selfish, goes
the feeling that there is something wrong about taking pay for
rendering service. This feeling is quite general with reference to
altruistic work. It is very common, for instance, to suppose that there
is something sordid about preaching for pay. The allusion, though
usually to preachers of conventional religion, is directed at all
apostles of vital truth. In its more general form this condemnation of
preachers of truth who exact pay for preaching, rests upon the theory
that the truth should be free, and that he who charges for preaching it
thereby discredits both himself and his cause. Is it, then, the duty of
preachers of truth to preach without pay?
In making this inquiry, the difference between preaching truth and
making truth known, must be distinguished. It is one thing to conceal
truth as occasion for imparting it occurs, and quite a different thing
to devote persistent labor to its exposition and propagation.
A blacksmith, for instance, who had awakened to a consciousness of some
moral or economic or religious truth, the acceptance of which would
augment the happiness of mankind, might be censurable if he refused to
make it known. In fact there would be no danger of his refusing. The
impulses of his nature would make him proclaim it. His neighbors would
need no thumbscrews to force him to deliver his message, though they
might at times wish for a lockjaw to make him hold his peace. As with
the blacksmith, so with men of all vocations. We may at once concede
that it is the duty of everyone freely to make known the truths that
come to him; and, for the sake at least of directness of inquiry, that
it is a duty which if neglected entitles others to complain of the
breach. In a word, we may agree that the revelation of truth without
money or price is a universal duty; at the same time protesting,
however, that the point is unimportant, since human nature is so
constituted that this duty is self-executing.
But it does not follow that he who sees a truth must quit his regular
vocation, or even trench upon its demands, to devote himself to
teaching and preaching without pay. He is under no obligation, for the
breach of which others may justly complain, even to surrender his
leisure hours to this work. That he may make such work his play,
refusing remuneration, is too obviously true to call for more than
passing mention. It is also true that he may be under a spiritual
obligation to the great Revealer of all truth, who has intrusted him
with a message to the world, to drop his nets and become an unpaid
fisher of men. But, clearly, if he has any duty to work without pay for
the propagation of his truth, it is not a duty in any such sense as
involves a corresponding right on the part of his fellow men to
complain if he refuses to do the work or if he exacts pay for doing it.
And that is the determining point. When we criticize preachers for
exacting pay for preaching, we imply not that they are false to their
direct personal obligations to God (for this is none of our business),
but that they are false to their obligations to us.
It will hardly be insisted that any such obligation really exists, and
we may pass on to other considerations. By dint of a little probing we
shall find that no one really expects preachers of truth to devote
themselves to their cause literally without pay. It would be absurd to
expect this, whether as a matter of duty or otherwise. Even preachers
of truth must have food and clothing and shelter. And if the truths
they proclaim are to gain listening audiences, preachers must live as
well as their auditors are accustomed to live. The question is not
whether they shall preach for pay. It will be acknowledged that they
must have pay. The real question is whether they shall exact pay for
their work, as other men do for theirs, or shall subsist precariously
upon the proceeds of miscellaneous beggary - that is, upon what is
given them as charity for their support, as distinguished from what is
paid to them as hire for their work.
The right of preachers to adopt the beggary plan, no one is at liberty
to dispute. One may express doubts of its effectiveness in this age,
may refuse to drop pennies into the outstretched hat, or may hold aloof
from all that pertains to it. But preachers are at liberty to do it if
they wish to. Only as it is commended as something which all of us
ought as preachers to adopt or as supporters of preachers to approve,
has anybody the right to protest. When it is so commended, then there
is occasion for an exercise on the part of some of the rest of us of
that self-executing duty which consists in proclaiming truth freely. We
must strenuously insist that no one is bound to preach without
For all regular work, adequate pay should be regularly exacted. This is
a natural social law which cannot be systematically violated without
disturbing the social equilibrium. Systematic violation by means of
force, produces slavery; systematic violation by means of generosity,
produces beggary. Either impoverishes the worker and pampers the idler,
thereby doing an injury to both.
There is no difference, in the economics of it, between the preacher's
vocation and other useful employments. If it were a duty of preachers
to work without regular and adequate pay, then it would be a duty of
choirs to sing and of organists to play without regular and adequate
pay. It would also, in that case, be the duty of the sexton to care for
the church without regular and adequate pay. And, going back of these
examples, it would be the duty of religious masons and carpenters to
build churches, of religious lumbermen and quarrymen and miners to
furnish materials, and of religious transporters to carry them - all
without definite or adequate pay. For these workers are in those
connections but coadjutors of the preachers in the labor of propagating
such truths as churches have to offer.
Precisely so with preachers of other than ecclesiastical truths. When
they devote themselves to the exposition and dissemination of such
truths, they become, literally in the economic sense, laborers in that
field. They are workingmen as truly as a blacksmith is; and the problem
of their livelihood is precisely the problem of his: to get an
equivalent for what they give, and to give an equivalent for what they
get. The fact that blacksmiths embody one variety of truth in
horseshoes, while preachers embody other varieties in sermons, or
essays, or books, or lectures, or speeches, or poems, or pictures, or
songs, makes no economic difference. The laborer who devotes himself to
writing useful books or essays or poems, to delivering useful sermons,
lectures or speeches, to painting useful pictures, or to making
harmonious music, is as worthy of his hire as are the laborers who
manufacture the paper and ink and type of which books are constructed,
the buildings in which lectures and speeches are delivered, the canvas
and pigments that make paintings possible, or the instruments from
which the musician evolves his harmonies. All this work is cooperative,
and one of the cooperators can no more justly or wisely be relegated to
mendicancy than the others.
There is a difference, to be sure, between exacting pay for work, and
working for the purpose of exacting pay. The preacher or writer,
including teachers of all kinds - and including, for that matter, the
workers in every field-who works merely for the sake of pay, is not a
true workman. He lives for himself alone, and for the lower part of
himself at that. Useful work is, as the adjective implies, work which
on the whole is done not only for the sake of the worker but also for
the sake of others. But this question of being a worker merely for the
pay, brings up only the individual motive, and, therefore, concerns
only the individual. Another has no right to judge him. The motives of
his actions may raise an issue between himself and his Creator; they
raise none between himself and his fellow men.
The strong feeling against exaction of pay for preaching truth, which
prevails among the more ethereal agitators for social regeneration, may
well proceed from the disordered conditions that legalized monopolies
engender. From confusing exaction of pay for privileges with exaction
of pay for work, to advocating the total abnegation of pay, is an easy
transition of thought. The abolition of pay for preaching naturally
stands out prominently in this programme of communism. But all
exactions of pay are regarded by the communist as sordid, unbrotherly,
and spiritually degrading; and consistently so, for if it is sordid to
exact pay for any kind of regular service, it is sordid to exact pay
for any other kind.
Whether or not the idea that exacting pay for service is unbrotherly
really results from considering social conditions without
discriminating between the effects of monopoly and those of
competition, it certainly is no result of any balanced inquiry into the
nature of things.
Reflect a moment upon it:
Exchange of work is the law of social existence. This is a proposition
which no one will dispute.
If exchange becomes unbalanced, so that some get more than they earn
while others are forced to earn more than they get, society falls into
disorder. Neither is that proposition open to controversy.
The social problem, therefore, is how to secure a practical equilibrium
of exchange at which the work that each does for others shall be
approximately equal in usefulness to the work that others do for
Obviously, that equilibrium cannot be approached by means of slavery.
Slavery takes forcibly from workers for the benefit of idlers. Neither
can it be approached by creating legal privilege, which is essentially
a form of slavery - a subtle form, but slavery none the less.
Can it, then, be approached by some voluntary mode of working regularly
and mutually for one another without exacting regular and fair
exchanges? Possibly. Whoever denies this assumes a power of
fore-knowledge which no human mind possesses. A world is conceivable
where each would work faithfully to help fill up a common storehouse,
drawing from the storehouse only what he needs. In such a world, though
some would get more than they earned and others earn more than they
got, each would act voluntarily and none could complain. But if it is
an unwarranted assumption of fore-knowledge to deny such a possibility,
it is still more unwarranted to assert it. So far as human experience
throws any light upon the question, a fair adjustment of work under
such communistic conditions is possible only in societies where each is
bound to all by religious inspiration and obligation. A single bull in
that china shop would raise havoc with the adjustment.
It is consequently reasonable to infer that the communistic method of
distribution will not secure an approximately equitable adjustment of
work-exchange, in society at large, unless each member of society comes
under the influence of the religious impulse of the impulse, that is,
which obliges him to love his neighbor equally with himself. There is a
possibility, of course, that this condition, too, would result from
communism. But at the present stage of development, he who denies it
has the better of the issue, upon the circumstantial
Now, when we consider the effectiveness in maintaining a just
equilibrium of distribution, which the exaction of pay for work
produces to the extent that its operation is undisturbed by legalized
monopoly, we may fairly ask an explanation, a more rational one than
has yet been put forth, of the necessity, in the interest of equity and
brotherhood, of trying to adopt a method which cannot operate justly
unless all whose interests it involves become just. To work without
exacting pay is to refer the question of equity in distribution to only
one of the parties concerned. What equitable necessity is there for
that? None at all. The principle of exacting pay for work is
incalculably better. For this principle refers the question of equity
in each case to the mutual agreement of both parties concerned. It
refers it to the two persons who are necessary to any exchange, and who
are the only persons capable of judging its equities. They must agree
or there is no trade. If, therefore, the trade would be beneficial to
both, they will agree. And if they are economically equal, they will
agree equitably.
To the fair operation of that principle of exchange only one thing is
necessary. It is the abolition of monopoly, the abolition of every
privilege created by law which directly or indirectly gives to one
party to a trade an advantage over the other.
To urge communistic ideals regarding obligations to work without
exacting pay, instead of urging the abolition of monopoly, is therefore
very like dreaming away the hours when active and sane agitation is
imperatively needed, as if they were the listless hours of that drowsy
place where it is always afternoon. Whatever ideal of social reform may
be ultimately realized, the first rational movement must be the
clearing away of obstructions to the exchange of work upon the basis of
exacting pay. Though the time may come when each will put into a common
store-house according to his abilities and withdraw from it according
to his needs, he being himself the judge of both, the time that now is
demands that each shall put into the store-house the equivalent of what
he takes out.
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