The Ethics of Democracy
by Louis F. Post
Part 4, Economic
Chapter 6, The Trust and Socialism
HE who thinks of the socialist political parties, of
speeches, of socialist literature, or of all these combined, as
socialism, has but a dim perception of some of the most important
phenomena in the history of his own time. Though socialist
organizations, speeches and literature have to do with socialism, they
are no more socialism than maps are geography, or mile posts the
highway. The most influential school of socialists regards socialism as
a social evolution, and that conception of the subject is being
impressively confirmed by events. It can be best understood, not
through socialist literature, for there is no gospel of socialism and
its literature is a bewildering maze of confusions and contradictions,
but through the modern phenomenon of trusts, studied in the light of
the theory of historical evolution.
that the trust is a socialist ideal. Far from it. In all socialism
there is a democratic aspiration, and trusts are not democratic. Yet
they are believed by socialists to secrete democratic germs, which will
eventually develop out of the autocratic trust an industrial democracy,
somewhat as political democracy has been developed out of feudalism and
However this may prove to
be, doubtless the economic, as distinguished from the ethical,
principles of socialism, are already in process of more or less
imperfect exemplification by the trusts, the most perfect of which in
that respect is the United States Steel Corporation, mentioned in the
fifth chapter of this Part. This trust owns not only the natural
sources of production upon which it depends, but also all the related
artificial machinery of production and distribution. It is a gigantic
socialistic embryo. So at least it distinctly appears to be from a
vivid pen sketch by Mr. Ray Stannard Baker,* a sketch which is valuable
as a socialistic study because, besides being vivid, it is evidently a
true account, as far as it goes, of the business methods of the steel
Mr. Baker describes the
organization of the steel trust as "a republican form of government,
not unlike that of the United States, with a president; a cabinet, or
executive committee, which is likewise a supreme court, having
practically all the power of the board of directors; a treasury
department, or finance committee; a legal department (the general
counsel); and a congress (board of directors), elected to office by
individual voters or stockholders."
government of the trust, besides being republican in form, is federal
in principle; for, writes Mr. Baker, "it is a general though erroneous
impression that when the steel corporation was organized all of the ten
absorbed companies lost their identity, being merged in a single huge
concern managed from New York City. But the United States Steel
Corporation is rather a federation of independent companies, a
combination of combinations, each with its own distinct government,
officers, sphere of influence, and particular products. The Carnegie
Steel Company, for instance, is still independent of the Federal Steel
Company, and yet both are a part of the United States Steel Corporation
in the same way that Pennsylvania and Illinois, while separate States,
each with its own government, are part of the United States."
this government is primarily industrial, as distinguished from
political. Its purpose is the production and distribution of steel
commodities, from the ore and the coal in the mine, through all the
'processes of manufacture and transportation, to the finished and
delivered article. In this particular it differs from the Socialist
Commonwealth only in the fact that its field of operations is limited
to the steel industry, whereas the Socialist Commonwealth would be
expected to monopolize even more completely and to operate even more
perfectly, all branches of industry.
in analogy to the theory of the American government, the steel trust
distinguishes between common functions and those pertaining to the
constituent companies respectively:
"While each
subsidiary company retains the entire management of its own
manufacturing plants, it has been the policy of the new corporation to
combine in great general departments those factories of production
common to all the companies. For instance, most of the subsidiary
companies owned their own iron mines, their own coke ovens, and
controlled their own ships on the lakes, and each had a department to
care for these interests. Now the ore and transportation interests are
gathered in one great department."
The economy effected by this concentration of common interests into one
central department is thus described:
coke interests, the export department, the foreign offices in London,
and certain branches of the sales departments, are each grouped under a
single head. By this method a single agency distributes iron ore, coal
and coke, between the various plants as needed, avoiding cross
shipments, and supplying plants always from the nearest sources,
thereby saving freight charges. Much of the economy of production
depends on the efficacy of distribution. Formerly serious delays
resulted from the inability to obtain vessel tonnage at the right time,
or to load the ships with the right kind of ore when wanted, for many
companies, while owning plenty of one kind of ore, were compelled to
purchase other kinds to make the proper mixtures. Under the new system,
however, the splendid fleet of 115 vessels on the Great Lakes is all
under the control of one man,... and the ore-distributing system is all
under another chief. The ships can thus be directed by telegraph to the
ore-docks in Minnesota, Michigan or Wisconsin, where each immediately
secures a full load and carries it to the dock or mill where that
particular kind of ore is most needed.... Coke and coal are distributed
much in the same manner by a central department."
centralization is confined, however, as already indicated, to
operations of common concern. With reference to functions pertaining to
the constituent companies individually, the impulse of competition
(more definitely, perhaps, emulation) is encouraged. Mr. Carnegie had
already made this a feature of his company, before the federation. He
encouraged "friendly rivalries between his plants, spurring them on
with rewards, and by firing the pride of accomplishment he succeeded
surprisingly in adding to the efficiency of his force." Following Mr.
Carnegie's example, the steel trust, while in absolute control, and
consequently able to insure harmony through its central authority, has,
nevertheless, so adjusted the relationships of the constituent
companies that "one company buys of or sells to another, as formerly,
and the bargains are driven just as shrewdly as ever, each president
being keenly ambitious to make a good showing for his company. The
disputes which naturally arise are settled by the executive committee,
sitting as a sort of supreme court."
to products which vary with the producing company, wide latitude is
allowed, each company being permitted to drive the best bargain it can
in the open market. But "in cases where several companies produce the
same thing - steel rails, for instance - they agree on a price and
appoint the same agents throughout the country."
only are economies secured by this system of production and
distribution, but every department of the trust, says Mr. Baker, "runs
smoothly, noiselessly."
this great trust, then, we have an example, only partly developed
economically and not at all ethically, but faithful and favorable as
far as it goes, of socialism in the concrete.
To perfect
this system economically, with reference to socialist ideals, what is
needed is that the trust should encompass all great industries instead
of only about twothirds of only one, and manage them in substantially
the same way. To perfect it ethically, with reference to socialism,
what is needed is the democratization of the trust, so that all who
work in it, the day laborer at the bottom as well as the great captain
of industry at the top, shall participate equally in its government and
share equally in the value of its products.
that is practicable is too complex a question for present discussion.
One industry might be managed upon this plan with economic success,
even though the plan might break down if applied to all industries. So
the plan might work under a plutocratic system, the board of directors
being chosen by the majority of shares, when it would not work under a
democratic system, the board being chosen by a majority of the workers.
The steel trust illustrates the character but does not demonstrate the
practicability of the Socialist Commonwealth. It may be doubted, too,
whether, when the trusts had monopolized business, the employes would
be able to democratize trusts. The power that perfects the trust is a
power which no workmen, other than the specially skilled, can hope to
cope with by organization.
Yet there
is scant room for question that socialism is the goal toward which the
trust tends. Those socialists are right who see in the trust phenomena
their predicted socialist evolution. If socialism comes at all, it must
come in one of two ways: either by the absorption of industries by
government, or by the absorption of government by industrial agencies.
Both tendencies are at work. Government is reaching out, not through
the influence of socialist parties, however, but under the pressure of
grasping private interests, and in the form of protective tariffs,
subsidies, and the like, for the regulation of functions which are
distinctly individual. Concurrently, trusts are reaching out for the
control of government.
It is
impossible to read Mr. Baker's lucid account of the steel trust without
seeing in that organization the possibilities and prophecy of an
overmastering governmental machine. If there were no opposing tendency,
it could be predicted with almost absolute certainty that the trust
would at no distant day evolve into an autocratic, plutocratic,
all-embracing and paternal socialistic state. Whether this state would
in turn evolve democratic socialism, conceding the possibility of such
an ideal, would not be so easy to foresee; but that the evolution will
reach the point of paternalism, if unobstructed, is as certain as any
human prophecy can be.
however, this tendency is obstructed. The sentiment of opposition to
the extension of government into the sphere of private industry is not
dead. During these years of advancing monopoly and imperialism it has
been sleeping; but now it is awaking, as it always has and always will
whenever autocratic tendencies gather momentum and begin to disclose
their true character. And this same opposition to the absorption by
government of individual functions is also an obstacle to the
absorption of government by trusts. The tendency of trusts to develop a
socialistic state cannot persist, because the only thing that
perpetuates their power is monopoly of natural opportunities for
production. The steel trust, for instance, is cohesive and powerful,
not because of its commercial economies, but because directly and
indirectly it monopolizes ore beds, coal mines and transportation
terminals. Abolish these monopolies, and the steel trust would be as
impotent as a monarch without the power of taxation.
very simple but potent truth is gaining recognition. Public thought is
being influenced by it more and more. It is crystallizing a popular
opposition to the development of the trust idea, and consequently to
socialism. It is the key to the economic problem, to the labor problem,
to the political problem - in a word, to the social problem. And it is
destined to define the issue over which another great struggle for
liberty will be made; namely, whether we shall on the one side
perpetuate monopolies of natural sites and resources, and so foster
trusts and promote socialism; or shall, on the other, check those
monopolies, and thereby advance and strengthen the cause of individual
*McClure's Magazine
for November, 1901.
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